Please note
- that next year will simply be a reverse of this years fixtures (as near as possible). i.e. I will simply swap the home & away team. So if you have more away matches than home matches this season, I apologise - half the teams have to have 1 more away match than the other half - but next season you will have more home matches than away matches.
- There are no 'nominated' players this season.
- Within any one league people can only play for one club. There are no restrictions in playing for another club in a different league.
- Within any one league people can only play more than 3 matches for any one team within their club. e.g. If a player has played in 4 matches for their 'B' team, thay can play a maximum of 3 matches for other teams in that club, maybe the 'A' team and the 'C' team.
- See section 4.2 of the Constitution for further details.
- The dates below are a guide. Please arrange matches as suits yourself and the other team.

Blue for Open League Purple for South League