Page last updated Friday 16 August 2024 Good Night

Fide Laws of Chess

 Fide Laws of Chess   as from January 2018

 Fide Laws of Chess   The Laws wth comments by the  Chess Arbiters Association for arbiters and players.

Games with no Arbiter  A guide by the  Chess Arbiters Association for matches where there is no arbiter present.

2024  AGM (Previous AGMs on Archives Page)  


AGM Minutes



2022  NCCU (Previous NCCU on Archives Page)

NCCU Minutes    2022

Forms & Useful Downloads

Whitaker Result Form  

League Results Form

Cumbria Chess Association Renewal Form

Score Sheet  Simply amend the Title and picture. Print front page and then Back page on the reverse side.

Historical Articles   

If  you know of any more interesting articles, please let me know.

A Short History   Cumberland Chess Association 1884 to 1984 Cumbria Chess Association. Written by M J Armstrong.

History of Cumbria Chess  Written by Steve Richardson - County Secretary 1998-2002
The NCCU Cumbria Chess Association History       Taken from an account by the NCCU.

Blindfold Chess in Workington   An article about a Joseph Blackburne blindfold sumultaneous in 1883 at Whitehaven.

Norwich v Maryport 1841   A game between Norwich and  Maryport in 1841. You have to keep an eye on these Maryport players !

Cascat (Cumbria Archive Service) 

Cascat1The Cascatt service can be looked at on the internet, but to see any documents you will need to visit one of the Cumbria Archive centres at Whitehaven, Kendal, Barrow, or Carlisle. The staff will take photocopies for you, if possible, at 30p/sheet, or for £8 you can take digital photos all day long. ( as at 2017 )

The following explains how to see what is available.

The  web site for the records is  

1. Click on Guide: Non-Official Records on the menu on the left of the screen.
2. Click on Societies and Organizations under Guide to Non-Official Records.
3. Click on Cumbria Chess Association on the alphabetical list.

This will now show the record YDSO 30 which is a list of the records that Bill deposited. At this point you can  -

1) Type 'chess' into the search box and click search. This will bring up any chess records in any of the Cumbria Archive centres. There are ones at Whitehaven, Barrow, Kendal, and Carlisle.

2) Click on YDSO 30 in the Reference row ( not the YDSO 30 over the top of the table ). This will list out each of the records as in the photocopies  that I took on the day. There are two pages of this - Page 1 & Page 2. They are just a little different than the entry on the internet.

For an example of what is available I took a photo copy of two pages of Record number 3 - Minute book (signed) of the Cumberland, Westmorland and Furness Chess Association. 1962-1970 .

The first copy I took was the first page as this illustrates what the record actually is.

The second copy was at the end of Record 3 as this showed a couple of names that I recognised -  John Toothill & Colin Bragg. They were winning things even back in 1970 !

Gary Sharkey
Radio Cumbria Interview.

George Horne 1953-2024

 A report by Dave Cole.

John Toothill
John's obituary appeared in the Westmorland Gazette on the 9th December 2017.

Syd Cassidy on Radio Cumbria

Radio Cumbria Interview.

Border TV at Penrith Chess Club   

In 2012 Penrith Chess Club received a grant from Eden District Council's Community Fund to replace  stolen equipment. Reporter Tim Backshall visited the Club for Border TV.

Penrith win the Double 2019-20.

Andy McAtear of Penrith has written a little report on Penrith's wonderful achievement on winning the double which he has sent to the Cumberland & Westmorland Herald. You can read it here.

Technical Notes

1)  The web pages are hosted by GoDaddy.

2)  I use Filezilla to update pages to the web site.

3)  The coding is a mixture of simply creating and editing html using Notepad++, and also using the free Software Kompozer which is supposed to be WYSIWYG but very often isn't ! You get what you pay for !

4) Page counter used is from Excellent for a freebie !

Any queries, please ask. I am happy to discuss things.